SPEAK LIFE into Your Life
SPEAK LIFE Into Your Life
“Godfulness” is Better than “Mindfulness”: It Creates New Direction and Saves Your Mind, Elevating Your Spirituality

“Godfulness” is Better than “Mindfulness”: It Creates New Direction and Saves Your Mind, Elevating Your Spirituality

Listen as I share the Stepwise Fashion of Entering into Your Place of “Godfulness” ~ this is How I got Out of being Bedridden for Twelve Years, Receiving My Miracle. Protect your mind.

Have you ever wondered how some people get what they pray for, and others do not?

Sometimes this is a matter of God’s timing or His will. Or it could be a time when you have no control, like the loss of a loved one.

Other times it’s a matter of the heart. And when you have no control, it s a time to protect your mind and soul.

Previous posts spoke of keeping our heart in the right place, crying out to God day and night.

In this episode, we speak about protecting your mind with “Godfuless”. It elevates your spirituality. We contrast it with “Mindfulness”.

Pull your mind out of its natural inclination to go to bad places.

Rise above the world and REALLY BELIEVE that ultimately, almost nothing on earth matters.

Spending eternity in God’s presence ~ no pain, no suffering , only joy and pure love ~ these are the cherished, lasting things that no one can take away from you.

Because if you REALLY BELIEVE, everything looks different.

silhouette photography of person
Watch where your mind goes. |Photo by Greg Rakozy]
SPEAK LIFE into Your Life
SPEAK LIFE Into Your Life
My miracle of recovery occurred after a traumatic brain injury that left me bedridden for twelve years. Learn from what I learned.